Wood, acrylic paint, model trees, air dry clay, Winsor and Newton ink, string lights, faux leaves, fabric, wire
15.5" x 7.5" x 12.5"
This work is inspired by dark rides in theme parks. Particularly, how they isolate the rider from the outside hustle and bustle of the theme park and build their own, immersive world indoors. In my presentation, I showcased Walt Disney World’s “Tower of Terror” and Universal Orlando’s “Transformers: 3-D” as incredible examples of isolating the audience from the rest of the park and immersing them in a world within an indoor ride. I wanted to mimic the same feeling in this sculpture. The entire piece is covered in cloth. In order to view the rainforest scene inside, the viewer must look through a small hole cut into the fabric. While doing this, they can only see the environment inside of the cloth. Inside, the scene includes model trees, cliffs, a waterfall, different colors of bushes, lighting, and a hidden animal: a capybara.
I wanted to make the rainforest, of course, very green and lush. I used vibrant colors in both the base painting and the bushes to achieve this. Real rainforests, though having plenty of green, are associated with being full of color and life. Having levels was also very important to me. I knew I wanted the viewer looking at a downward angle, so I wanted them to be able to have something to look at from their eye level to the bottom of the piece. I constructed ledges out of wood, which were to represent cliffs. This way, I could space out the trees and bushes and create a larger environment within the covering.